
Showing posts from November, 2006

Thursday Break

I didn't forget you, my youngest is sick. You don't want details... trust me. I'm finding it harder to write what I want to about Faith and Art when I'm not really creating any art! Other than painting my house, that is. Yesterday, while my son was laying on the couch and watched movies I was browsing some creative sites online. I figured until this blog gets back into deeper aspects of art and how it relates to our faith that I can try to post what I can and today that includes links to different things that may inspire you to take a look at yourself and your life and faith and create! I'll be the first to say I truly believe in the premise of Madeleine L'Engle's book Walking on Water in which she says any art is Christian art if it brings to mind aspects of God's creation - whether that be visual or mental or emotional or whatever. One of my other favorite writers is C.S. Lewis (I debated trying to convince Rusty that we should name our seco...

Jodi's Cosmos

Hey, people! Jodi found her "cosmos." She sent me an email saying, "You may post them, or a link...that was a ton of fun. It made me find the stuff that makes me happy now matter how messy my house is." She sent me pictures for your viewing pleasure (and to reiterate the point of this whole thing): Bulletin board in Computer room , originally uploaded by Yoda0419 . Click here to view all of Jodi's "Cosmos" photos! P.S. if the link to the "Cosmos" set wasn't working for you on that last post when I first posted it? It's been corrected.