Art workroom update photos.
So here are some photos of the mess at our house right now. The first three are my workroom as it is today. I filled holes left by wall anchors and tried out little swatches of the new paint (similar color but lighter - it's either khaki or yellow depending on the light. I like it.) So the next photo shows an old door I bought at Building Value down in Walnut Hills (architectural salvage store. LOVE. IT.) I am planning to use it as a desktop on that wall for my laptop. Notice the doorknob hole? Will use it as access for the cords. I KNOW! Genius! And I painted my wooden office chair. By the time we're finished it'll have a slip-covered cushion. Too cute. And this? This is my dining room. Nice. That's all the stuff we cleared out of my work room this week*. Mmm, paper rack. How I adore my printed papers. And my Sharpies (in the lazy susan in the foreground to the right.) OK. So... there it is, in all it's unkempt glory. I'll post more as we go....