Hi, there.

Ok. So. Is anyone out there? If you are, and if you're wondering what's the deal? Well, this is. The deal, I mean.

This site was born out of my geeked out excitement about my faith and my creativity finally being allowed to live together without me feeling like I had to be one or the other other - an artist or a Christian. If I make no sense whatsoever? Go read the post below entitled Art (It's ok. I'll wait.)

Great. Like I said, this is kind of my spazzy version of having a bunch of artistic friends (fine arts, writers, musicians, teachers, or... gasp... even people who don't think they're artistic at all) around to bounce ideas off of and give me insight into how their brains and creative processes work.

If you've read the book I talked about below, give me your opinion. If you haven't read the book but you're somewhat intrigued? Feel free to just comment and say "Hi", leave a note, leave your favorite cookie recipe, I don't care. Just let me know you're here and you're interested in joining in from time to time.

I'm not exactly sure what we're going to do, really. I guess it depends on how many people show up for the party, eh? Just let me know what you think. I've set up the comments so you don't have to be a registered Blogger user to leave a note. I've also set it up so keep spammers out, so you'll have to type in a word you see on the screen for verification. But I promise that's it.

Hope to hear from someone. Anyone.


Anonymous said…
Stacie! Wow!! Let me say up front that I am one who doesn't think of herself as artistic- creative sometimes, but artistic?! However, it is something that intrigues me and this blog, dedicated to this passion, is awesome! Sometimes in my Christian walk, I feel conflicted for the same reasons that you pointed out in the first entry, about these feelings only happening in a church environment. I always wonder why we limit God to such a small area!? Thank you, thank you so much for thinking to tell me of this journey that you are starting. I join you, joyfully!!
Jodi said…
Cool our first artistic assignment....security word verification. Fun! I'm reading, but would be willing to start over, so we can all read together. Awesome book.
Lauren Teather said…
Oh Fabulous blog Stacie!! Looking forward to more and more!!
Heather said…
Hi Stacy! I'm gathering up my summer reading and will be reading along -- I used to think that my teaching was somewhat artful ... then along came the class of 2009. :P
Kelly Pyron said…
Hi! Just found this blog via the 2Peas thread... so glad I did! I just requested the book from the library, so I look forward to reading it shortly. I struggle with my purpose as an artisit/designer... and wonder alot of times if I am really glorifying God at all. So, I am very intrigued and look forward to joining your group.
Esther said…
"Have you ever read a book where the author seems to know you?"

well, not a book but a blog... :) I'm so glad to have found this blog, now to find myself a copy of walking on water....

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